The Track Record

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 Across the world, the highest level of races are classified into a system of graded or group races, with the highest level being Group/Grade 1 (G1) races, followed in decreasing quality order by Group/Grade 2 (G2), Group/Grade 3 (G3), and Listed or Listed Restricted (L or LR).

 This system was first born in 1971 through the establishment of the European Pattern Committee, which included France, Great Britain, and Ireland. The system proved to be useful, and spread across the world. The years different countries instituted a pattern race system of group/graded stakes is below:

1971: France, Great Britain, Ireland

1972: Germany

1973: United States of America, Canada, Argentina*

1975: Brazil

1976: Australia

1979: New Zealand, Chile

1984: Japan

*Argentina started grading stakes in the 1973/1974 season

Countries that use 'Group': Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, France, Great Britain, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, Peru

Counties that use 'Graded': Canada, Japan, South Africa, United States of America

Sources by country